
VAP: Roll For It

Place your bets! Place your bets! All bets are off! We see people again and we see people go. The fate of the group may lay in the hands of randomness!

102 VAP: We Like Gold

This week: Blame the editor for putting everything onto a delayed release schedule. What is $5 worth to you right now? Do you have a good balance in life? All this and more as we get work out the kinks in the system. Get in

101 VAP: If It Bleeds We Can Kill It

The show is in high spirits as one of it’s founding members returns as a guest. We talk about E3 nonsense, we eat some stuff to wash down a terrible drink, discuss how to outrun a snail, and just generally get off topic. This episode brought to you by a non-existent soundboard and is delayed because of a super busy editor.

100 VAP: Triple Digits

This week: The podcast celebrates its One-Hundredth episode! We take a stroll down memory lane and listen to some favorite moments that were submitted by our listeners. We also have a fresh BDSM hot out of the oven, and we end up freewheeling back into a familiar argument.

099 VAP: That Struggle

The trio are joined by a new guest to fill the 4th Chair seat. We discuss some incoming news, briefly go over the history of some of the most useful and least useful Macs, and struggle to find or stay on topic for the week.

098 VAP: Black Wasp Down

A new recording location, news leading up to e3, we think up our favorite Disney movie lines for blunt purposes, a winner for the Battle Bracket Heroes vs Villains. We wrap up the episode by going through ours and listeners e3 predictions. This episode brought to you by random wasps flying around.

097 VAP: I’m Gonna Watch the World Burn

It’s a party! We not only have the 4th Chair, but we have a 5th Wheel! We discuss the news of the times, get derailed about 30 times, and finally get around to thinking hazy thoughts and bringing the Final Four down to the last 2 in the Battle Bracket: Heroes vs Villains edition.

095 VAP: Juicing The Coconuts

We actually make an episode! Also since there was such a long gap between episodes there is a fair bit of news including how sometimes internet rage actually accomplishes something. We also ponder local civil wars, blending fruits with liquids, and the results of the Sweet 16 are announced.

094 VAP: The Don Breaker

How will the world work when there is no disk to insert? Will Anthem be able to be resurrected? These and many other questions such as, “What, Where, When?”, and #dontbeadick takes on a whole new meaning. Everything gets rounded out when a curveball puts Mike in a foul mood during the results of the Villain results.