Tag Archives: NSFW

097 VAP: I’m Gonna Watch the World Burn

It’s a party! We not only have the 4th Chair, but we have a 5th Wheel! We discuss the news of the times, get derailed about 30 times, and finally get around to thinking hazy thoughts and bringing the Final Four down to the last 2 in the Battle Bracket: Heroes vs Villains edition.

096 VAP: It’s Cience!

Everything goes to the wayside as the editor goes MIA, we talk about updates to Fallout 76, and is it cooler to have money or powers. Things take a dark turn in the North, and the Elite 8 results cause some self-reflection.

095 VAP: Juicing The Coconuts

We actually make an episode! Also since there was such a long gap between episodes there is a fair bit of news including how sometimes internet rage actually accomplishes something. We also ponder local civil wars, blending fruits with liquids, and the results of the Sweet 16 are announced.

094 VAP: The Don Breaker

How will the world work when there is no disk to insert? Will Anthem be able to be resurrected? These and many other questions such as, “What, Where, When?”, and #dontbeadick takes on a whole new meaning. Everything gets rounded out when a curveball puts Mike in a foul mood during the results of the Villain results.

092 VAP: Damn Straight You Did

This week: Anthem’s parents have been reported to child services, a quick talk about Division 2, Blunt Thoughts, and the Play-Ins for the Battle Bracket: Heroes vs Villains are revealed.

091 VAP: Doin the Math

This week: Apple thinks arcades are the future, and we want to know what your favorite sound is. A slow burn begins as we begin to pick a new batch for the Battle Bracket. Short + Sweet = VAP

090 VAP: Heroes vs Villains

What does it take to start a cloud gaming service? How free is free, and how safe is safe? And what are some of the most iconic heroes and villains from video games?

089 VAP: 360 No Scope

This week: Diskless Xbox’s, VR LABO, Steam’s in hot water, and we discuss how our gaming preferences have changed as we get older.

088 VAP: Critically Implied

This week: PlayStation Vita, sportsball talk, hate a game too bad, and Anthem talk. Get in on the conversation by joining our Discord server Find us at VersatileAnomaly.com Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/versatileanomaly Follow the show on twitter @VersAnom