VAP: Don’t Let Me Down
All chaos ensues, apparently Joe took a murder pill, things go sideways, and Bo bursts in with something very important.
All chaos ensues, apparently Joe took a murder pill, things go sideways, and Bo bursts in with something very important.
Part 2 jumps right back in the action and we get right to it! Will things go as planned, or are our Adventurers doomed? Better listen to find out!
Things are getting intense as the Adventurers come full circle to their start. Is this the beginning of the end, or the end of the .. .. beginning .. . I guess I don’t know how these things are supposed to go.
We pick up with part 2 just after the dispatch of the nosy neighbor. Will the adventurers actually be able to finish what they started? Only the listeners will find out.
Things start out like any other recording session, but once the uninvited guest shows up, things go sideways fast. Try to remember what happened in part 1, because part 2 will soon follow.
Place your bets! Place your bets! All bets are off! We see people again and we see people go. The fate of the group may lay in the hands of randomness!
The adventure continues, and things happen, but since the person writing this hasn’t yet had the time to properly listen to the full thing who knows what shenanigans our mishap group might get into!
This week: The adventurers begin to come to grips with the situation they have both caused and been forced into. New information is brought to light, and potential friendships are made possible. But what is so damn funny, and why are they being laughed at?!
This week: Our adventurers have really gotten themselves into quite the situation. Let’s if they bungle it up or bring themselves closer to safety. Remember listener, sometimes the choice is yours, so let your voice be heard!
The adventures continue while our merry band of misfits continue to blunder and or and/or blast their way through anything and everything in their hunt for a missing loved one.