This week is a little bit straight and to the point. Not much news to speak of and getting on with our song listings for the Music Soundtrack Bracket. Someone gets ganged up on, and tries to dig himself out of a hole.
This week starts out with some news about a new Overwatch character then we reveal the results of the seeding for region 1 and break down the competitors for region 2. Mike finally slips up and has a button named in his honor.
This week the crew starts down a slippery slope of video game music that leads to another bracket in which many will enter but only one shall leave to its very own theme song. Go ahead and give each a listen. There will be a poll at a later date to gather the listener votes and they will be factored into the bracket as we go along.
This week we go back through our E3 predictions to see how offbase we really are when it comes to what we think companies will do for their customers. Then E3 itself and what actually happened during the event get some love as we do a brief recap. We also very quickly discuss a little more about an upcoming bracket in which we will be comparing and contrasting the soundtracks of video games. If you have any suggestions please send them in via any of the methods available to you.
This week we are missing our audio tech as Ben is out of the state. We talk some E3 rumors that popped up and we begin to start talking about fantastic music in gaming. Discussions about creating a bracket for that also happen. Do you have any music that you think should be part of the lineup? Was something discussed that you feel is a slap in the face? Let us know using any of our many online handles.
This week closes our silly little bracket where we make up reasons why random games are better than others, and we pick a winner. We also spend a good deal of time discussing our hopeful E3 predictions. Will any of them actually happen, or are they simply the inebriated desires of those unwilling to come to terms with the sad reality that our voice is unheard? Check out our hopes and dreams, and see if you agree or disagree with what we hope is coming from the companies who bring joy into our lives.
This week brings news about Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Xbox being a bro to those who deserve it. Then we start breaking down the Best Video Game of All Time bracket. We begin the process of putting various games head to head in order to suss out a winner. Things get wild when we have the ability to veto another game and ensure that the video game of our choice makes it to round 2.
This week starts off with almost no news, and then out of nowhere, BREAKING NEWS! That gets followed up with the next in our series focused on finding the best video game of all time, leading to the final showdown on our 50th episode.
This week we go over the little bit of news that we have, and start a new series of a few episodes focused on trying to figure out what we consider to be the best video game of all time. All things are possible when we ignore date of release, method of play, and other things as we begin to make our choices for a final showdown on our 50th episode.
This week Sean, Mike, Justin, and Ben discuss how much potential the Nintendo Labo system has, a quick discussion on Avengers: Infinity War, and the new Venom trailer along with many other tangents and mini-rants.