Tag Archives: NSFW

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Rona and Riots

And we’re back! Kinda. Sort of. In a manner of speaking. Which we do rather poorly and from large distances apart. We gather our thoughts long enough to discuss what PS5 options might look like as well as Xbox and how silly improving “quality” may

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Cave Dwellers

It’s been a wild ride, but things in the Meld are coming together so that our group of misfits can continue on. Get in on the conversation by joining our Discord server Support the show at VersatileAnomaly.com/patreon and treat yourself to some VA swag at

Trial By Combat

How should we deal with public servants who choose to abuse their power? What does a major retailer of games think the future might hold for it? Professional Hot Potato, and a show-stopping finish that might end with one person being left on the side of the road.

A Tale of Two Ponys

What happens when everything you knew, isn’t the way it actually happened? Or even the way it happened the second time? Or third, or three hundredth. Maybe you would try things differently the next time around.


As Season 2 comes to a close, our adventurers come full circle, and full scissor, back to their humble beginnings. How will things turn out for them? Only the listener will know, and only the listener who votes will chart their path.

VAP: Twenty a Plenty

With help from a silent individual, the group comes ever closer to finding that which they desire. Many rolls were had, many a roll surprised and delighted.

VAP: Twenty Twenty

What happens when a group of people loses its way and ends up in a place they would rather not be? Should they rely on the words of someone who has opposed them in the past? Will that person lead them astray and into more danger for the future? Are we talking about fiction or is this reality?

VAP: Hi, I’m Bo.

Sometimes the group forgets their way, other times the person making alterations to the recording of events loses track of time, and yet other times the methods for recording the events of history are broken. Very seldom do those things align with the cosmos and occur at the same time, but in the case of this episode, the veil was lifted and things went a bit askew.

VAP: We Did It Again!

Who’s going dimension-hopping?! We’re going dimension-hopping! I wonder what unexpected people, places, and things we will encounter while we are away…