Tag Archives: Movie-VideoGame-Smashup

082 VAP: The Worst Kind of Wizard

This week: Ben’s back! We touch on some news, we think on some thoughts, and then we try to get focused. Focusing is very important when you are attempting to conjure up spells and thinking about summoning together a whole new MMORPG from the world of a famous wizard with a scar on his head.

081 VAP: It’s a Hitler Toaster

This week: Ben went missing, we go on a sports tangent, a little news is discussed, and we think about making that videogame/movie mashup happen. Get in on the conversation by joining our Discord server Find us at VersatileAnomaly.com Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/versatileanomaly

080 VAP: Taking the Path Less Traveled

This week: While walking down the path that is an episode, we stopped to look at all the flowers, rocks, creatures, and then took a piss in the woods. If you can get past that, we also talked about news, where we feel we fall on a scale of good or evil, and pondered fishing from the Titanic.

077 VAP: Hoaw Hee Hough! . . . .

This week: A great day to teach your kids their letter and numbers, some discussion on whether we want to work less or sleep less, and a break-down of a few movies that might make fun video games or video games that could make decent movies.