Tag Archives: Genre Blending

042 VAP: Who Else Can We Smash Into One Game?

This week Sean, Mike, Justin, and Ben kickoff the episode with some sports talk and then punt it over to some discussion about FarCry 5 and re-releases of some games of yesteryear. Someone throws a hail mary and the shot sinks for a goal as Justin tries to do a genre mashup with all of Nintendo’s characters.

041 VAP: What’s in a Genre?

This week Sean, Mike, Justin, and Ben discuss how silly things are with people not knowing what to be upset about in Far Cry 5 and a few tangents with that. Then we move on to a quick discussion about how the World Health Organization plans on including “Gaming Disorder” in June. The episode rounds out with the first half of a new topic, Genre Blending. Mike starts off with Halo, and Ben attempts to make the world a fitter place with Lara Croft.