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These Are Getting Long – Part 1

Things are getting intense as the Adventurers come full circle to their start. Is this the beginning of the end, or the end of the .. .. beginning .. . I guess I don’t know how these things are supposed to go.

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Roll For It

Place your bets! Place your bets! All bets are off! We see people again and we see people go. The fate of the group may lay in the hands of randomness!

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Shanktuary! Shanktuary!

The adventurers begin to come to grips with the situation they have both caused and been forced into. New information is brought to light, and potential friendships are made possible. But what is so damn funny, and why are they being laughed at?!

Regularly Scheduled Nonsense

VAP is back baby! Or at least we will be making some fairly regular attempts at being back, from time to time. Getting back to the roots of the show, we make sure to throw everything at you again full frontal.


As Season 2 comes to a close, our adventurers come full circle, and full scissor, back to their humble beginnings. How will things turn out for them? Only the listener will know, and only the listener who votes will chart their path.